Saturday, July 25, 2009

Maiden Voyage

This is the first of hopefully many entries. I am known to start something, stick with it for awhile and then move to something else. I will do my best to stay focused on the valuable tool this gives me. So to get started!

Living in Singapore has been quite an adventure in some ways and quite difficult in others. We decided to take on this overseas assignment for many reasons. One, to give our kids a taste of what living outside the US is like. Two, to gain some valuable professional tools for Paul. Three, I don't really know! For me, it like most of my adventures. I just go with the flow to see what will happen. I assume that somewhere along the line of getting to 40, I have developed an attitude that everything has a reason for happening and sometimes just letting it happen is the healthiest attitude.

So, you are probably wondering what the adventures and difficulties have been. If not, I'm sharing anyway! Actually this topic will appear and re-appear often!!

As with any major move, finding all the necessities of life is an adventure. The first trip to the grocery store was an adventure. The smells are all different, the stuff is in different places and the products are packaged different. On the first trip, we went right after arriving in Singapore. This is another be shared later!! The kids and I were very tired and jet lagged, but since we were living here, we had to go get essentials. Bread, Milk, Cereal, etc!! Also, we had consider that we had to carry everything cause we had no car! We got what we needed and got the heck out of the store. The smells were making all three kids nauseous.

Another adventure, hinted at above, was city life with no car! We had to learn very quickly how to ride the Mass Rail Transit (MRT). This was actually more fun than the trip to the store! So off we go. Paul had already been taking the MRT so he kind of knew the drill. The kids were very receptive to going and so was I. We knew that if we were to see some of this new place it meant riding the MRT. Surprisingly enough, we have met people who have lived here a long time and never rode the MRT. Wow. I can't imagine.

Another means of transportation is via taxi. They are plentyful and not expensive. More expensive than the MRT, but still very reasonable. The adventure with them is sometimes they have no clue were you are going so it is a hunt and peck adventure. The good news is if you give them some rodes or landmarks near where you are going, they can generally figure it out.

The public bus system is always an option. While this is a good means of transportation, it takes forever to get somewhere and after 5 months I'm still a bit stumped on how it works! We do on occasion take it. I think we were here at least 2 months before we took it though.

Since I'm on this transportation kick and adventures, I must tell about getting a car and driving on the left side of the road! After some deliberation, we decided that we needed a car. The kids school is on the other side of the island I felt I needed to be able to get there quickly if need be. That with the multiple sports they play and all the "stuff" a car was inevitable for us. So I pick out a car from a rental agency and they deliver it! If I remember correctly, Paul drove us a few places for the first week, but I still insist on riding in a taxi. I paid special attention to the "road rules" while in the taxi. Read the "Driving in Singapore" book and one day said this is the day! It took me from 6 am to noon to get the courage to get in a drive. (I am writing this many drives later so I'll do my best to accurately remember!) Just the act of walking around to the right side of the car to drive is foreign, not to mention that all the controls are reverse! I put the car in drive and headed out. I did require that we get a navigation system, so I plugged in the address of choice and hoped for the best! Once I was out on the street, while it felt very different, it really was not a big deal. I do have to mention that I only went one place, did what was needed there and drove back home! That afternoon, the kids had some sports practice so that was the real kicker. Got them home and all got in the car. Don't talk, don't ask questions, don't play the radio, just sit there and I'll get us to our destination in one piece...I hope!! They cooperated and mother nature didn't. We drove to the Woodlands (North part of the island) in 5 o'clock traffic in a complete downpour!!!! Like I mentioned above, you just have to let it happen!! We made it in one piece and from then on I was off. 5 months later and I can take you to anyplace on the island that you want to go! Navigations still comes in handy, but I'm not scared to drive!!

I have so many things to tell...I'll be back!

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